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File Created: 27-Aug-1986 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  24-Aug-1999 by Janet M. Riddell (JMR)

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NMI 103H1 Au1
BCGS Map 103H019
Status Past Producer NTS Map 103H01W
Latitude 053º 11' 39'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 128º 23' 06'' Northing 5894047
Easting 541087
Commodities Gold, Silver, Copper Deposit Types I01 : Au-quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Undivided Metamorphic Assembl., Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The property is located on the Khutze River about 19 kilometres from the head of Khutze Inlet, some 95 kilometres south of Kitimat.

The initial discovery, on the east side of the river, was staked in 1927. Further discoveries were made in 1929 and 1930 on the west side of the river between elevations of 365 and 838 metres. C.W. Meldrum and Associates of Vancouver, optioned the property late in the 1930 season. Trenching and sampling was reported on the Hunter, Grizzly, Bear, Heather, and Craig claims in the following years, and a 3-tonne shipment of ore was made in 1933 from surface outcrops, from which 373 grams of silver, 933 grams of gold, and 40 kilograms of copper were recovered.

In 1939 owners G.M. Meldrum and J.G. Campbell optioned the property to P.W. Racey and Associates of Seattle, and work continued into 1941. The workings at that time included a 143.5-metre long adit on the Main vein, and a 45-metre long inclined shaft, with 54.5 metres of drifts on the River Vein. The ground was restaked as the Ruby 1-7, Jubilee 1-8, Bee Fraction, and Jay Fraction (Lots 2977-2993) and these claims were Crown-granted in 1949 to Campbell and Associates.

In 1980 the property was owned by J.M. and K.D. Meldrum. A project of geological mapping, trenching, and sampling was carried out by Dejour Mines Limited. The consulting firm of Derry, Mitchener and Booth sampled underground in 1980 and estimated reserves at 94,338 tonnes grading 12 grams per tonne gold, diluted to a 1.2-metre mining width (George Cross News Letter June 13, 1984).

Associate companies Arnhem Resources Incorporated and Enfield Resources Incorporated acquired a 50-50 option on the property in 1982; the Enfield interest was transferred to Arnhem in July 1983. Work by Arnhem that year included geological mapping and a geochemical soil, silt and rock survey (217 samples). The Crown-grants were overstaked as the Hunter 1-4 claims.

Du-well Resources Limited optioned the property in 1984 and carried out geological mapping, a geochemical soil survey (86 samples) and 735 metres of diamond drilling in seven holes; the option was terminated.

Biotite granitoid gneiss occurs as part of a northwest trending roof pendant of metavolcanics, between cupolas of a granitic pluton consisting of biotite quartz diorite gneiss belonging to the Tertiary-Jurassic Coast Plutonic Complex. The rocks are cut by numerous pegmatite, aplite and felsic dikes.

Six gold-bearing, quartz-pyrite veins lie primarily within the roof pendant of metavolcanics of which the best exposed are the Main and River veins. Mineralization consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite, gold and tetradymite with ankerite and orthoclase gangue. Chloritic and sericitic alteration are associated with the veins.

The Main vein, at 690 metres elevation, cuts across all rocks and has been exposed along surface for 130 metres and to a vertical depth of 70 metres by underground workings. The vein has a 021 degree strike, dips of 30 to 80 degrees east and an average width of 23 centimetres. Six samples taken across this width over a 17.4 metre length averaged 35.35 grams per tonne gold and 87.1 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 13398). An ore shoot within the Main vein has an apparent plunge of 035 degrees towards 210 degrees.

Quartz veins intermittently exposed 200 to 500 metres northeast of the Main vein include the Parallel veins, 15 centimetres wide and 0.3 metre apart with moderate southeast dips, and the Cross Vein, striking 165 degrees for 200 metres and up to 40 centimetres wide. The Burnt Tree vein and No. 4 vein, about 500 metres apart, lie 600 metres east of the Main vein. The No. 4 vein occurs in a 1-metre wide, 050 degree striking fault zone.

The River vein, 1400 metres northeast of the Main vein and 300 metres elevation, occurs within all rock types and partly within a quartz-orthoclase pegmatite dike. The vein strikes 020 to 035 degrees for 150 metres and dips 55 to 70 degrees east for a known 42 metres downdip. The vein is commonly 8 to 20 centimetres thick and 6 samples along a 12.5-metre length averaged 67.0 grams per tonne gold, 32.57 grams per tonne silver and 0.67 per cent copper over an average width of 0.19 metre (Assessment Report 11937).

The No. 2 vein, 50 metres west of the River vein, is in excess of 43 metres within a narrow pegmatite dike striking 032 degrees and dipping 80 degrees east in biotite gneiss.

Unclassified reserves for the Hunter property are 94,338 tonnes grading 12 grams per tonne gold, diluted to a 1.2 metre mining width (George Cross News Letter June 13, 1984).

EM FIELDWORK 1999, pp. 319-324
EMPR AR 1930-64,65; 1931-35; 1932-F48; 1933-41; 1939-68; 1940-53; 1941-55
EMPR ASS RPT *11937, *13398
EMPR BULL *1 (1932), pp. 34-37
EMPR EXPL 1980-388; 1983-501; 1984-373
EMPR MAP 58; 65 (1989)
EMPR OF 1992-1
EMPR PF (*Reports by Parrish, 1980; Fawley, 1963; Warren and Cummings, 1936; Dolmage, 1931)
EMR MIN BULL MR 223 B.C. 283
EMR MP CORPFILE (Enfield Resources Inc.; Arnhem Resources Inc.; Du-well Resources Ltd.)
GSC MAP 23-1970; 1385A
GSC P 70-41, p. 48
GSC SUM RPT 1921 Part A, p. 27
GCNL #249, 1982; #27,#28, 1983; Apr.30, #83,#114,#137, 1984
IPDM Jan./Feb., 1983; Aug./Sept., Nov./Dec., 1984
N MINER Feb.24, 1983; Sept.13, 1984